The Pocket Cross
The Story of the Pocket Cross Prayer: In 1990, my job transferred me from my hometown of Stratford, CT to East Bridgewater, MA, a beautiful small rural town. Among the friendly people I met at work was Lynne. Lynne and her husband taught Sunday school. One day, Lynne came into my lab to show me, the pocket cross prayer, a gift she had received a few days prior. Lynne said that since receiving this gift a little voice keeps reiterating "give it to Phyllis to copy!". So Lynne handed it to me saying, "Please take it and copy it so this little voice will be still". Listen to others when they speak for sometimes God is speaking to you through them. As I look back on what was an emotional upheaval in my life, at the time of moving, reminds me of a phrase from "My Utmost For His Highest" written by Oswald Chambers. Sometimes God picks you up as a seed pod and plants you elsewhere as in a cyclone. It always brings me great pleasure to make the little pocket cross prayers.
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