Kateri Medical Services, Inc.
Global Mission Fund - Kateri Medical Services, Inc.
Members of Christ and The Epiphany experience Christ's compassion for others by reaching out to those in need, giving back to the community and living with a giving heart.
It is with great joy that we share the Vestry decision to partner with The Anglican Diocese of Kafanchan, Nigeria; St. John’s Church, Niantic; Trinity Church in Tariffville, and Kateri Medical Services, Inc., in giving support to the 2017 funding request for the Episcopal Church in Connecticut Special Development Grant. We have been recognized for our contribution in sending a parish member on the mission trip in February 2017. The Vestry additionally committed $1,000 from our Global Mission Fund to any work to be done. The grant request of $20,000 represents the final one third of funding required to pay a one year salary for a doctor and two nurses in Nigeria. Already funded are the land purchase, well drilling, clinic building construction, medical equipment and supplies for one year.
We can certainly understand the bounty we enjoy here in the States when we appreciate all the work that has already been done and the final request for this year represents a total budget of $57,500 in US dollars!
Praise be to God for the work being done, and blessings for the commitment and contribution of our worshipping community.
For more information, please visit the Kateri Clinic. The latest newsletter and a map of the clinic locations are posted on the Outreach bulletin board in the Great Hall.