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Christ and The Epiphany

Clergy and Administration, Wardens, Officers, Vestry Members and ECCT Delegates

Clergy and Administration



Rev. Charles L. Kamano is our Priest-in-Charge.  On the rare Sunday without clergy, our lay ministers lead Morning Prayer.



As leaders of the congregation, vestry members bring a broad range of knowledge, skill and experience as they work with people, manage money, care for facilities, plan for the future, and handle many of the other aspects of a  faith-based community. The individual gifts of vestry members are brought together to further God's mission in the world.  The Vestry meets on the 3rd Sunday of the month after 9:00 a.m. service.  Wardens, Treasurer, and Clerk serve a one-year term, and Members-at-large serve a three-year term. 



Senior Warden:  George Coulombe

Junior Warden:  Barbara Parsons



Treasurer: Susan Shultz

Clerk:  Gail Beck



Ray Clearwater (2022-2024)

Carol Link-Ude (2023-2025)

Audrey Sundwall (2022-2024)

Astrid Swanson (2023-2025)

Pat Walters (2024-2026)


ECCT (Episcopal Church in Connecticut) Annual Convention Delegates for 2024

Astrid Swanson

Diane Villano

Barbara Coulombe (Alternate)