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Christ and The Epiphany

All are Welcome

Christ and The Epiphany Church is a place of worship where we gather to praise God and seek strength through the Word and the Sacraments and through music and prayer.


In the Episcopal Church, the principal act of public worship is Holy Eucharist (Communion). All  baptized Christians are welcome to receive Communion in this church. You may receive both bread and wine, bread only or for a blessing only please cross your arms over your chest.


It is our wish that this web site serve as a beginning introduction to Christ and The Epiphany Church. Visit with us here and at the church, be introduced to a family dedicated to the service of God and to one another.  If you have questions about this parish or about the Episcopal Church and its traditions, please feel free to phone 203-467-2310 or email the church at ChristandTheEpiphany@gmail.com to the attention of the clergy.  


If you would like to become a member of Christ and The Epiphany Church, please complete the membership invitation and return it to the church office.

Click here for the Membership_Invitation.pdf.


To read our Constitution and By-Laws, click here.