Music at Christ and The Epiphany
The music ministry of Christ and The Epiphany Church enhances the worship as it relates to the readings for the seasons of the liturgical church year. We use the 1982 Hymnal which contains ancient to modern hymns as well as various contemporary music resources displayed on overheads during the service. Our music leadership includes the organ, choir, soloists, and instrumentalists. Our choir, though small in size, is mighty in spirit; and we seek to glorify God in all that we do. Our mission is to lift the worshipers ‘out of themselves’ in order to see God and experience the divinity of Christ through music.
Our “Lift Every Voice and Sing II” (LEVAS) hymnals were blessed on Sunday, May 27th, 2012. The contents of this hymnal include spirituals, traditional and contemporary Gospel songs, missionary and evangelistic hymns and service music in both traditional and Gospel settings. There is also a section containing hymns for African American saints on the Church’s calendar. The hymnal’s editor is Dr. Horace Clarence Boyer, Professor of Music at the University of MA at Amherst . Dr. Carl Haywood, Professor of Music at Norfolk State University and organist/choir director at Grace Episcopal Church in Norfolk , VA served as editor of the service music section. As we learn new worship songs and revive some old ones, let us join in the words of the Psalmist, “Sing to the Lord a new song; sing his praise in the congregation of the faithful. Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.” LEVAS will serve us as a supplement which will remind us of the rich diversity of all the people of God. This music will serve the church well, as we make it our own, and the church will come to understand something more of the mission of all people in today’s world.